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信息来源   时间: 2014-06-16  浏览次数:321


    安然: 1980年生于中国河北省,2000年毕业于中央美术学院附中,2005年毕业于中央美术学院雕塑系,2005 年入学中央美术学院雕塑系攻读硕士学位至今。

    参展: 2004首届全国环境艺术设计大展,2004首届中韩陶艺交流展,2004国际新秀陶艺家作品邀请展,《线性空间1》被富乐国际陶艺博物馆收藏。 2004夏威夷亚太学生工作营,夏威夷檀香山。作品:《线性空间》由Hamilton图书馆收藏。 2004中央美院吕品昌工作室作品展,今日美术馆。作品:《线性空间3》被馆藏。 2006现代精品陶艺展,大山子艺术区。 2006中?美陶瓷艺术与综合材料运用研究营,北京。

     Resume of Anran: About: 1980 Born in Heibei province of China . 2000 Graduated from the High school of Central Academy of Fine Arts. 2005 Got the bachelor's degree from Central Academy of Fine Arts 2005 Enrolled in Central Academy of Fine Arts for master’s degree as yet Exhibition: 2004 The First Exhibition of Environmental Art Design of National. 2004 The First Ceramics Exchange Exhibition between China and Korea. 2004 Iternational Emerging Ceramics Artists Invitational ,《Linear Space-1》collected by FuLe international ceramics art museums. 2004 International Artists Workshop of Hawaii,The University of Hawaii,《Linear Space》collected by Hamilton library. 2004 The Exhibition of Lvpinchang Studio,《Linear Space-3》collected by Today-gallery. 2006 The Exhibition of Today Ceramics,Beijing。 2006 Chinese & American International Symposium on Contemporary Ceramic Study of Material.

